Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Triumphant Come-back

There are not very many occasions where I have triumphed over my older brother. He has always been the one to finish on top. Whether it was an argument, a sparring match, or just a funny joke, he has almost always been the one to win. There is one special occasion, however, where this was not the case.

My dear brother has always loved to push my buttons. He will make fun of me, do things that he knows will annoy me, and try to start fights just for the fun of it. One day he decided to try a new way of being an obnoxious older brother. There I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden my brother comes charging through the house. As he comes up to me he lets out a loud, shrill shriek. It was the kind of noise that sends you jumping out of your skin in surprise. After that, he stops and looks at me with a huge cheesy grin on his face. He says to me, “Wasn't that the most annoying sound you've ever heard?”

Now, unlike my brother, I do not enjoy poking people's buttons, I do however enjoy being able to take him down a notch every once in a while. I waited for a moment, watching my brother stand there looking incredibly pleased with himself. I relished seeing him so proud before I spoke, knowing that what I was going to say to him would send him reeling. Casually, I responded. “No, the one you made after was way worse.”

As soon as I spoke we both knew that I had won this battle. He was speechless at first. I watched as shock, awe, and finally glee crossed his face. After he was able to compose himself again he chuckled and proclaimed it the best come-back ever. He went on to tell every person we saw that day about the events that had occurred and every time he retold the story he did so with a hint of pride in his voice for his baby sister.

My brother may be an annoyance some of the time, but he does the things he does out of love. Usually when he is teasing me or poking my buttons he is just trying to get me to smile and sometimes, if I'm lucky, I get the chance to return the favor.

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