Shes not completely finished but I wanted to show her off anyways. I made her in honor of my daddy. She is made to be me if I were a bike mechanic. All of her tattoos are ones that I have thought about getting and she still has a few more coming too. When I was painting them on I couldn't resist making a buzzing noise like the real tattoo thingies make. =D
Here she is! She has such perfect boobies Here she is with an American Girl Doll shirt and a random skirt that I made just so her butt would be covered Socks! I love these so much and I wish I had a pair(I did but they were toe socks and my toes are too short for them so now the dolly has some!) and AG doll shoes. Tools! made out of sculpey clay. Tattoo that matches my daddies. I'm very proud of this. The little biker dude is even smiling just like dads!Hand, pliers and bike chain bracelet OMG tiny toes! Dress that used to be a toe sock! woo! Boobies!
Agnes, these things are soooooooooo cute. I have to have one. How much are you charging for them?
I haven't really figured that out yet. Email me and we can talk about prices okay?
Nice, but does she have nipples?
No she doesn't, but I might still add some =)
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